
Restaurant Riva
Gregorčičeva 43
5 673-2225
€8-16 for mains
along the waterfront, almost at the tip of the peninsula

Serves a variety of meat and fish dishes.

Gallusova ulica 2
5 673-1200
on Trg 1.maja (May 1st Square)

A small restaurant with a veranda that serves seafood and Slovenian dishes.

Župančičeva ulica 7
5 673-4111
12PM-4PM and 6PM-midnight

A small restaurant one street back from the harbour that specializes in seafood.

Pri Mari
Dantejeva 17
5 673-4735
€8-16 for mains
close to the Fornače parking lot.

Small restaurant that specializes in seafood.

Pizzeria Batana
Kidričevo nabrežje 4
5 676-2517

Pizzeria on the inner harbour.

Tri Vdove
Prešernovo nabrežje 4
5 673-0290
€8-16 for mains

Waterfront restaurant with a mix of meat and fish dishes.

Prešernovo nabrežje
5 674-7101 and 674-7102
€8-16 for mains.
11AM-midnight in the summer

On the waterfront with tables indoors and outdoors. Serves a variety of meat and fish dishes.

Prešernovo nabrežje
5 673-2226
€10-20 for mains

Wide selection of seafood dishes.

Restaurant Miralonda
Stjenkova 1
5 676-2514
in the Hotel Piran

Mixed menu with seating along the waterfront.

Many of Piran's restaurants are located along the waterfront Prešernovo nabrežje, with open air seating and great views. The food and service is generally good, but many of the restaurants tend to have similar menus meat, fish, mixed grills, etc and similar prices. Restaurants away from the main waterfront area can be a bit cheaper. There are also a number of pizzerias and gelato shops scattered around the town. If you want fresh produce, there is sometimes a market behind the municipal building off Tartinjev trg.